God created the world and that's what we think of as "The Beginning". Really it wasn't there is so much more before that; the war in heaven, we all chose to be here (and not follow Satan), and there was just everything that we still don't remember from then. Well my diagnosis isn't really the beginning of my journey either. It really is just the most relieving part of it so far.
At 16 I had a really unusual virus that affected my mouth, throat, I ran a horrible fever even with meds to reduce it; basically it was almost like strep or mono , but both those tests came back negative. Then after two weeks it went away and then I got another infection. I went to the doctor and had C-Difficile. If you don't know what that is, look it up. It's not pleasant. After that was healed I started noticing intense change in sensation, lots of pain, and serious fatigue. I went to the hospital and they could not find anything so I was sent home. Then the cycle kept occurring. My primary doctor could not find anything wrong, although he definitely could tell something was. He did treat me for many thing trying to see if it would help. He even treated me for fibromyalgia when I was about 17, but I had bad reactions to the drugs he put me on so he moved on to the next thing. Then I started seeing a new doctor when I was still 17. He referred me to a neurologist, but he couldn't do anything because I wasn't in a "spell". So, I was told that the next time I felt the symptoms flare up to go to the Phoenix Children's Hospital. There they ran so many tests I really cannot even begin to tell you. Still their staff came to me and said we are sorry to tell you that we do not have an answer. So, I just dealt with it till now. I went to my doctor and said I really want to revisit the idea of it being fibromyalgia because it really is the only thing that the doctors thought it could be that made sense. So he said, "That's a definite possibility." So he did the pressure point test, and all of them really bugged me bad. He asked me lots of questions about the condition and then told me to stretch, do light exercise, and take this medicine Celexa.
So with all that being said, I guess I am at the beginning just of a new chapter in learning how to deal with this. So I am writing this blog to learn, to inform, and to get through it all.
Best thing I heard tonight that is getting me through, "You can ... use your time wisely while you wait for your prayers to be answered." -Debbie Vermilyea (fellow fibromyalgia blogger)
We will be there for you as always, mom and dad